
未知 日本  2015  未知

原名:風の峠~銀漢の賦~   又名:

状态:37播放   更新:2023-08-22 07:08:26

某天,月濑藩的武士日下部源五(中村雅俊 饰)会见了曾经的女婿津田伊织(池田铁洋 饰)。津田此行不为别事,而是邀请源五监视月濑藩的家老松浦将监(柴田恭兵 饰)。源五和将监是从小一起长大的好朋友,时至今日他也直呼对方的小名。当初他们联手追讨杀害父母的凶手,从而结下深厚的友情,此外二人当年还结交了平民出身的十藏(高桥和也 饰)。然而二十年前正因为十藏所率领的武装起义,导致了源五和将监绝交。而不知为何,藩内兴起了一股势力,意图暗杀独断专横的将监。曾经的好友,又再度卷入了腥风血雨之中……   本片根据叶室麟荣获第14回松本清张赏的时代小说《銀漢の賦》改编。Kusakabe Gengo, of the Tsukigase domain in Western Japan, is handed an order to execute the chief retainer, Matsuura Shogen. Kusakabe and Matsuura are childhood friends and also went to the same kendo training school. They were once bound by a firm friendship, but took different paths and fell out as a result of some incident. The rumors are that Shogen has incurred displeasure because he is hindering the rise of the lord of the domain. However, he is known to the public as an artist so it would look bad if he were publicly executed. Gengo, who has been ordered to handle it as a fight due to a personal grudge, searches for the place for Shogen to die. He decides to visit Shogen for the first time in 20 years. When the paths of the two men cross again as they approach old age, fate starts moving again.
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