
原名:姊姊立正向前走   又名:姐姐一枝花

状态:第28集   更新:2024-05-28 12:05:30

大龄女编剧汪明明(林心如 饰)跟师傅林燕(傅燕 饰)接了一个青春偶像剧,明明极力推荐已过气男歌手,她的偶像伊森(汪东城 饰)来当男主角。伊森受尽了落魄后的各种冷落和失意,他怕好不容易得到的男主角再失去,故意有目的接近明明。师傅告诉明明她的另一个剧本在新加坡开拍了,所以回不来,明明只好一个人单打独斗,硬着头皮一个人来完成整部剧。师傅从美国回来的儿子童少天(林更新 饰)处处关心和照顾着明明,伊森一边接近明明,一边又和瞧不上他的女主角沈沛妮(吴亚馨 饰)暧昧不清。蒙在鼓里的明明把男主角写的大方光彩,在明明的帮助下,伊森再次走红,却对明明的态度也起了变化,伤心的明明主动与伊森分手。这段荒唐的恋情是否就此结束,汪明明能否在30岁的关口找到真爱呢?Drama Go! Go! Go! is a sweet romantic comedy that centers on the life of Wang Ming Ming (Ruby Lin), a 30-year-old scriptwriter who gets involved with three men of different ages. Wang Ming Ming finds herself crushing on a "has been" idol named Eason (Jiro Wang) and decides to cast him in the lead role of her drama. It quickly becomes apparent that Eason's acting ability is lacking and the lead actress threatens to quit. Fearing his release from the drama, Eason sets off to seduce Wang Ming Ming and secure his role.