夜深人静,万籁俱寂。在美国西部的农场中央,孤零零伫立着一所房子。房子的男主人正沉浸在甜甜的梦乡之中,殊不知危险渐渐逼近。一道极强的亮光从窗口照了进来,男人随着亮光开始上下起伏。原来一家飞碟正停在上空,准备对其进行绑架。不过,绑架的实施者是一个初出茅庐的外星人,这次绑架对他来说只是一次资格考试,身旁有一个面无表情且十分严厉的考官评分记录。面对2000个密密麻麻的按钮,这个学艺不精的小外星人手忙脚乱…… 本片为皮克斯工作室第13部短片,是动画长片《料理鼠王》的加映短片。并获得2007年第79届奥斯卡最佳动画短片的提名。It's night; crickets chirp outside an isolated farmhouse. A bright light from a spacecraft shines through a bedroom window and lifts a sleeping man. However, the light and the small alien controlling it from the ship are unable to pull the man through the window: first it's the glass that impedes them. The alien frets; its supervisor - large, laconic, and green - watches. As the human keeps sleeping, the alien's tries every lever. Just as it looks as if the alien abduction will succeed, something goes wrong. The supervisor steps in.