One Fine Day

原名:One Fine Day   又名:

状态:35播放   更新:2023-08-22 08:08:34

一个中年伦敦人乔治•菲利普斯是一个房地产经纪人的公司和汉,伦德尔和罗斯。他的家庭生活是由冲突恶化与妻子是否应该允许他们的十几岁的儿子的女朋友睡在他们的房子,胆怯的情况,忧郁的乔治不喜欢但没有勇气禁止。他的职业生涯是由他试图找到一个买家Sunley房子,1960年代一度盛行办公大楼已被闲置了一年多。当他的妻子离开科尔切斯特照顾她年迈的父亲,乔治避免冲突与他的儿子睡在Sunley房子。职场与此同时,他的竞争对手,一个叫莱克的年轻人,也在努力寻找买家Sunley房子(从而篡夺公司乔治的地方)。一天早晨,乔治发现自己被锁在崩溃从窗户逃离。当莱克发现窗户被打破,他集寻找罪魁祸首。George Phillips, a middle-aged Londoner, works as an estate agent for the firm of Frobisher, Rendell and Ross. His home life is soured by clashes with his wife over whether their teenage son's girlfriend should be allowed to sleep over at their house, a situation the timid, melancholic George dislikes but hasn't the guts to forbid. His professional life is dominated by his attempts to find a buyer for Sunley House, a once-fashionable 1960s office block which has lain unoccupied for over a year. When his wife leaves for Colchester to look after her elderly father, George avoids conflict with his son by sleeping over at Sunley House. Meanwhile, his workplace rival, a younger man called Rycroft, is also trying to find a buyer for Sunley House (and thereby usurp George's place in the firm). One morning George finds himself locked in and has to crash through a window to escape. When Rycroft finds the broken window, he sets out to find the culprit.
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