
原名:終極三國   又名:K.O.3an Guo

状态:完结   更新:2024-05-28 01:05:03

关羽(胡宇崴 饰)和张飞(博焱 饰)因为平日里太爱行侠仗义总是惹出一连串的麻烦而屡屡遭到退学,就在两人走投无路之际,一位名为刘备(陈德修 饰)的男子出现在了他们的面前,刘备说,他们有资格去上全国最好的贵族学校东汉书院,然而学费高昂,仅凭借他一人负担不起。张飞自告奋勇提出能够解决学费问题,于是三人结拜成为兄弟。   然而,就在此时,一颗石头从天而降落在了刘备的头上,导致其昏迷不醒。时空黑洞将修、汪大东、丁小雨和王亚瑟四名年轻人给传送了过来。无奈之下,和刘备样貌相似的修只得先留下来假扮刘备,而另外三人则准备将真刘备带回现代寻求治疗的方法。Lifelong friends, Guan Yu ( ) and Zhang Fei ( ), who have gotten kicked out of one school after another for starting fights, find themselves hard pressed to find a school to accept them. A chance encounter with Liu Bei ( ), provides a stroke of luck when he agrees to become their sworn brother, which would allow them access to the prestigious Dong Han Academy. The universal war may be over but, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei's school environment is anything but peaceful as they face death traps and the hostility of warring schools.
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