江湖术士茅山明(吴耀汉 饰)法术不精,鬼点子倒层出不穷,经常带着大宝(吕方 饰)、小宝二鬼骗吃骗喝。在为富豪谭百万驱鬼之时遇到厉鬼,连夜逃走。深夜时分,茅山明闯进以寂静之村。时村庄遭受邪祟马贼骚扰,戒备森严。茅山明被保安队长(楼南光 饰)误作马贼抓获,幸亏道长九叔(林正英 饰)及时出现才逃过一劫。 正在此时,马贼杀到,经过一场大战,村民成功将马贼击退。因一场纷争,大宝小宝被九叔收去。茅山明从此认识到人鬼殊途的道理,决定和二鬼分手,然大宝却被擅长法术的马贼虏去……Expelled by a band of restless ghosts in his village, Taoist Priest Mao Ming, and his two spirit companions, visit another village to seek wealth. There, Ming meets Master Gau, the "Vampire Buster," who is trying to defeat an evil Sorceress and her henchmen, whose goal is to conquer the human race. Gau also informs Ming that humans and ghosts cannot co-exist peacefully. As Ming and his ghost companions part ways, they are later attacked by the Sorceress. As a result, Ming joins forces with Gau to put a stop to the evil menace.