某座高中迎来了新的学生,虽然有着美丽容颜却土了土气的女孩日比野椿(武井咲 饰),在开学典礼当天竟然被入学成绩第一名的帅哥椿京汰(松坂桃李 饰)夺去初吻。以此为开端,京汰将日比野当作捉弄的对象,乐此不疲。虽然讨厌这个英俊帅气却举止轻薄的男孩,可是日比野内心深处却悄悄发生着转变。古板、传统的女孩情窦初开,些许品尝到青春和初恋的甜蜜。与此同时,京汰对日比野的情感也正发生着变化。在那个看似无比浪漫的情人节夜晚,抬头望见繁星的天文台上,日比野鼓起勇气向京汰告白,谁知他们的关系竟急转直下…… 本片根据漫画家水波风南的同名原作改编。Tsubaki Hibino (Emi Takei) is a young teenage girl with a talent for styling other people's hair. Yet, Tsubaki suffers from low self-esteem and isn't very comfortable styling her own hair. She also has a tendency to dress old-fashioned. She's teased at high school because of this. One day, popular male student Kyota Tsubaki (Tori Matsuzaka) targets Tsubaki for teasing. Kyota Tsubaki holds sway over the entire classroom and is quite a playboy. Inexplicably they fall in love. Meanwhile, Kyota Tsubaki has commitment issues ...