
未知 日本  2006  日语 

原名:僕の歩く道   又名:我脚下的路 / Boku no aruku michi / The Road I Choose to Walk / Walk My Way

状态:共11集,完结   更新:2023-08-21 09:08:43

现年31岁的大竹辉明(草剪刚 饰)拥有阳光一般纯真无邪的笑容,但是鲜少有人知道他患有自闭症,至今只有10岁儿童的智商。虽然在某些方面拥有常人无法比拟的天赋。可是辉明无法和人正常交流,这也让他在职场饱受挫折。母亲的担心,哥哥(佐佐木藏之介 饰)的顾虑,辉明或许无从感受,他只对青梅竹马的女孩河原都古(香里奈 饰)。每天三行的短信,包含了多少无法用言语表达的真情。在都古的建议下,辉明决定去好友所在的动物园工作。与动物相处加上还算通情达理的同事,让一向将焦灼情绪深藏心底的辉明感受到久违的安心。然而他的面前还有很长一段路要走,通往幸福的道路上布满了坎坷与荆棘……Autism is not easy to understand because if there are ten autistic people, there are ten cases. You have to learn each case otherwise you'd be lost completely. Here's a 31-year old autistic man whose intelligence is only of a 10-year old child. Due to the lack of understanding, people around him get confused and sometimes mad at him. His family watches over him warmly, and with the help of his childhood friend, he opens up his world little by little, but basically he just keeps on walking his own way. This heartwarming drama follows his life and how people around him change their views and actually learn from him.
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