在还没有《星际大战》、电脑特效也尚未当道时,卡雷尔兹曼凭借着对影像语言的精准掌控,手工创造出真实与奇幻交织的画面。令人惊叹的视觉效果,让他被誉为最具想象力的「影像魔法师」,连提姆波顿、泰瑞吉兰和山村浩二都五体投地,本片将带领你一窥魔法背后的秘技,看他如何化不可能为可能。A biographical film looking back at the life, work and significance of the genius of world cinema. It reveals the inspiration sources of his work and looks into the kitchen of the film tricks pioneer. As an absolute solitaire in his field, he created his own world based purely on his imagination. He was a complete autodidact and is therefore not easily classifiable into any film wave or direction. This extremely hardworking, resourceful man and a perfectionist, yet always preserving the ability to see the world from a child's perspective is without any doubt one of the most successful and celebrated Czech filmmakers in the world. Thanks to their inner poetry and sincerity, his films do not age.