年轻学生(高桥英树 饰)利用假期外出旅行,在行至伊豆汤岛时,他邂逅了几位巡回表演的歌舞伎艺人,其中一名梳着旧时发髻、伶俐清秀的年轻舞女(吉永小百合 饰)引起了学生的注意。 他有意识地赶上这群来自波浮港的艺人,和他们结伴前往下田。一路上有说有笑,欢声不断,学生和艺人们渐渐 熟捻,更迷上了那位尚未成年的舞女阿薰。在温暖潮湿的南国,学生陷入纯洁的爱恋之中,同时亦为现实的无奈所困扰…… 根据川端康成早期中篇同名小说改编,该版本系本小说第四次搬上银幕。Adapted from a famous short story in Japan, The Izu Dancer is the story of a male teenager on vacation in the Izu peninsula who encounters a thirteen-year-old girl who is part of a travelling troupe of performers. The boy and the girl are attracted to one another and make certain they spend time together given the short few days they have.