
原名:花甲大人轉男孩   又名:花甲男孩转大人 电影版 / Back to the Good Times

状态:HD   更新:2024-05-28 03:05:44

阿嬤準備要做對年了,花甲也在這時候退伍,和情人阿瑋開心重逢之際,卻遇上青梅竹馬的雅婷來求救,希望他幫忙解決前男友來找麻煩,花甲智退來敵,大家狂歡之際,隔天早晨,花甲卻發現自己和阿瑋裸體躺在床上!!!   阿瑋古板的父母生氣到訪祖厝討論花甲該如何負責?卻發生一連串巧合和誤會,讓雙方家庭的初次見面成了暴走且荒唐的鬧劇,大打出手,阿瑋更氣花甲的無能表現,失望離開。   花甲藉口尿遁躲了起來,衰到居然自己還放了個屁臭死自己,不得已還是得出來面對難關之時,卻發現家人都不見,而人生即將面對空前的危機,他必須該如何才能像超人一樣拯救自己與自己的家族呢?Nearly a year has gone by since the passing of Grandma, and the Zheng family is busy preparing for memorial rituals. Hwa Jia (Crowd Lu) gets discharged from military service and happily reunites with Wei (Vera Yen). The next morning, Wei's parents catch them in bed together and flip out. Wei's angry parents confront Hwa Jia's family, and the whole meeting turns into a farcical mess. Faced with an unprecedented crisis, Hwa Jia must figure out how to save himself and his family. Part of TTV's acclaimed Qseries imprint, the quirky and moving family series A Boy Named Flora A (2017) turned into one of Taiwan's biggest television hits of 2017. The cast and crew return with more family love and laughs in the 2018 feature film Back to the Good Times (2018), directed by Yu Ning Chu. Released during the Chinese New Year period, the film follows the post-military life of protagonist Hwa Jia, played by popular singer-songwriter Crowd Lu.
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