
原名:就是這個聲音   又名:Once Upon a Time When Robin Hood Grew Old

状态:14播放   更新:2023-08-22 08:08:25

數十年來,吳樂天以「義賊廖添丁」講古流行民間,政府對其恨之入骨,然而那卻是民主的伴奏,自由的號角。戒嚴時代,他暗渡陳倉,以游擊電台擾亂黨國媒體,被視為廖添丁再世。挺過牢獄,躲過追殺,他重返江湖的傳言始終不歇。近年,街頭運動風火再起,本尊悄悄現身,虛實傳說與荒唐歷史,尚待一一說來。For decades, Wu Le-tian narrated the famous story of Taiwan's very own virtuous thief - Taiwan's Robin Hood - \"Liao Tian-Ding\". In the era of martial law, he used fantastic stories as a cover for arousing rebellion, and a guerrilla-style strategy to disrupt the state media. Evildoer under the law, he was a destroyer of the system, a hero that resisted authoritarian power. With an audience of millions, Wu Le-tian was viewed by the common people as their very own Robin Hood!
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