
原名:   又名:摔角枭雄

状态:230播放   更新:2023-08-26 08:08:17

WWF(现为WWE)是世界最大的摔角娱乐组织,其旗下的选手宛若巨星一般被亿万人追捧,受欢迎程度不亚于其他体育行业甚至影视界的明星。然而随着商业元素的介入和收看群体的低龄化,WWF所推广的摔角越来越脱离传统式摔角的定义,取而代之是的更多娱乐作秀元素,比赛也不断被人指责虚假。   该纪录片则将镜头对准走出擂台、回到幕后的那些选手,在这里他们褪下巨星的光环,远离擂台上的类型元素,回归最真实的自我。他们的喜怒哀乐、伤痛苦恼逐一呈现,向观者展现角色背后的真性情。This documentary focuses on the lives of professional wrestlers Terry Funk, Mick Foley (Mankind), Jake Roberts (Jake the Snake) and Darren Drozdov (Droz). As the film progresses, the story of their lives unfolds, as we also learn how the wrestling industry is not the plastic-weapons fake-slap sideshow that many have perceived it as. We are shown how moves, although not actually injuring anyone, are not fake, and extreme training is required to be able to perform the stunts without being harmed. We are also treated to interviews with the family of Mick Foley and what it is like for them to know their father literally puts his life on the line every week and how it feels to have other children call their father a "fake". Vince McMahon, owner of World Wrestling Entertainment, also makes a few appearances, responding to criticism on various wrestling situations, including, once again, his real athletes, very real organization being called fake by sources such as USA Today and various news programs.
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