在西泉高中担任英语老师的樱井遥(山下智久 饰)英俊帅气,深受女学生的喜欢。某天他收到一条短信,勾起了樱井对十年前一段往事的回忆。17岁那年,遥(阿部顕岚 饰)和青梅竹马的好友鲇川奏多(岸优太 饰)、泷泽美丽(石桥杏奈 饰)过着无忧无虑的生活。帅气的遥有些专横,和奏多一起守护着美丽,美丽偷偷喜欢上遥,却将真实心意埋藏心底,而奏多对美丽似乎也升起别样的情感。在那个炎热的夏天,一个穿着时尚的女孩子走进了遥的家门。她叫高塔凛凛子(足立梨花 饰),是和遥没有血缘关系的姐姐,不久前刚刚从美国回来。机缘安排,凛凛子于独自居住的遥共处同一屋檐下,少男少女的烂漫季节,青涩又有些甜蜜的恋情悄然萌发…… 本片根据みきもと凜的漫画原著改编。Haruka, Mirei and Kanata are high school students and they are good friends. Suddenly, Haruka's older sister Ririko returns to Japan. Haruka and Ririko are not blood-related. Ririko hasn't been in Japan for years and she now looks beautiful. So beautiful that people call her "goddess." Ririko approaches her younger brother who is reluctant to associate with other people. One night, Ririko cries on her younger brother's chest. Haruka is embarrassed Ririko approaches him, Mirei has feelings for Haruka and Kanata realizes this.