Fais pas ci fais pas ça : Y aura-t-il Noël à Noël ?

未知 法国  2020  法语 

原名:Fais pas ci fais pas ça : Y aura-t-il Noël à Noël ?   又名:

状态:394播放   更新:2023-06-05 12:06:04

在睽违三年后,这部经典家庭剧集在艰辛的2020年结尾带来了圣诞特别集。在圣诞节中,计数器被重置,所有情节围绕一个事件发生:12月24日神圣不可侵犯的平安夜...This year the Lepic parents are breaking the sacrosanct tradition: instead of celebrating Christmas with their children, they're heading for Las Vegas to see Céline Dion. As for the Bouleys, they're hoping to offer their offspring a simple, environmentally-friendly celebration. But their children would really rather have a classic Christmas.
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