
原名:Reise der Hoffnung   又名:Journey of Hope

状态:126播放   更新:2023-08-26 09:08:35

曾获奥斯卡最佳外语片奖的瑞士片,其实是一部瑞士、英国、意大利及土耳其跨国联合制作的写实电影,描写偷渡移民的辛酸,有血有泪。主角是土耳其摩德族夫妇海达与梅兰,两人卖掉所有土地和羊群,决定带儿子阿里离开落后的故乡,投奔人间天堂的瑞士。他们先偷渡到意大利,遇到好心的货柜车司机愿意带他们到瑞士,但在边界被拒绝入境,遣送至米兰。又在米兰火车站随着私枭安排偷渡,登山涉水,终于踏上梦土。瑞士导演扎维埃.科莱处理这部改编自真人真事的电影手法平实不煽情,但故事本身和非职业演员的再现已足够令人感动。In a village in eastern Turkey, tales of the economic success of Turks in Switzerland inspire Haydar to convince his wife Meryem that they must go. He sells their livestock and small plot of land in exchange for passage for two. He wants to leave their seven children in the care of the eldest and his parents; his father advises him to take one son to be educated in Europe, as economic insurance. The three set off for Istanbul, Milan, and Switzerland, stowing away on a ship. At Lake Como, they pay the rest of their money to unprincipled men who abandon them at an Alpine pass before a blizzard. Father and son are separated from Meryem. Will anyone reach the land of promise?
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