讲述了女孩叶宇星的多舛人生,主人公叶宇星出生后被父母送给无法生育的满大宝,但后来满大宝妻子就怀孕了,迫于生活压力,他们不得不将宇星遗弃。几经周折,宇星被叶馨收养,叶馨对小宇星视如己出,岂料叶馨在宇星八岁那年身患恶疾不幸去世。最终宇星被送给了姨母,一个刻薄的农村女人,在她供不起两个大学生的时候,她选择让宇星辍学让她的儿子上学。宇星最后离家出走在外打拼,经过不断地努力,宇星最终成为了著名作家。An abandoned girl,and a mother abandoning the girl met,what would happen ,will be there a spark for true love .Could this little girl bear the betray of family,the blame from friend .Facing the request of her loved ones ,could her let defense down and embrace the brightness .the vast loess Plateau in China ,and the good and candid people there .this film will explore fundamental humanity! Ugliness or beauty ? You are the judge!