哈利是一名退休的警察,一日,他受朋友杰克艾姆斯与凯萨琳夫妇之托送一个包裹,没想到里面竟然是勒索金,从此,他就陷入了谋杀与恐吓交缠的危险中。哈利一心想找出事实真相,因此游走在执法与犯法的模糊边缘,他一步一步的走向了20年前,一宗牵涉凯萨琳前夫的失踪案,这宗沉封许久的悬案背后,到底隐藏了什么不可告人的秘密?A retired ex-cop and private detective (Newman) who lives with a rich actor (Hackman) who is dying from cancer and his actress wife (Sarandon) gets mixed up in murder when he is asked to deliver blackmail money. He walks into a 20 year old case involving the mysterious disappearance of the actress's former husband. James Garner appears as another ex-cop who also does occasional errands for the couple.