一个受尽白眼的街头混混(陈创 饰),一个遭到排挤的转校生(郭可轩 饰),孤独失意的两人,在一系列意外中,成为了彼此唯一的朋友。然而生活给了他们不同的难题,当夏天结束的时候,他们的友情似乎也走到了尽头……The street that suffers all eye is mixed (Chen Chuang is acted the role of), the transfer school that suffers elude is unripe (Guo Ke xuan is acted the role of), lonely frustrated two people, in a series of accidents, became each other only friend. But life presents them with different challenges, and by the end of the summer, their friendship seems to have come to an end