故事发生于二战期间,刚猛帅气的吉米·乔丹率领着一个闻名于世界的“飞虎队”,战斗在中印边境的峡谷之处,组成这只“飞虎队”的成员都是一些来自美国军队中的自愿者,他们在美国参加二战之前,在中国的土地上与侵略中国国土的日本军展开了殊死的搏斗。吉米·乔丹必须派出足够多的战斗经验丰富并且机智勇敢的飞行员去跟数目巨大而且非常狡猾的对手进行拼杀。与此同时,他还得处理他的队伍里的人际关系,让他们能够紧密地团结在一起。非常突出的是,他还得处理一个喜欢把飞机开的风快的名叫伍迪·贾森的飞行员所带来的麻烦,他不仅想一个人冲在最前面,而且还想打乔丹女朋友的歪主意。Jim Gordon commands a unit of the famed Flying Tigers, the American Volunteer Group which fought the Japanese in China before America's entry into World War II. Gordon must send his outnumbered band of fighter pilots out against overwhelming odds while juggling the disparate personalities and problems of his fellow flyers. In particular, he must handle the difficulties created by a reckless hot-shot pilot named Woody Jason, who not only wants to fight a one-man war but to waltz off with Gordon's girlfriend.