从海滨小镇来到大都会东京的松井雪子(和久井映见 饰)是一个充满幻想的女孩,虽然过着平凡乏味的生活,却时常梦想成为浪漫故事里的女主角。在接哥哥菊雄(岸谷五朗 饰)的时候,雪子偶然邂逅英俊帅气的高木雅史(唐泽寿明 饰)。高木是某大企业总裁的公子,与雪子有着天壤之别。然即便如 此,也无法阻止纯真的爱情在两人的心中生根发芽,他们的前路充满坎坷和荆棘,却为了品尝爱情的甜蜜而不断前行…… 本片荣获第三回(1994)日剧学院赏最佳女主角(和久井映见)、最佳男配角(岸谷五朗)和最佳女配角(鹤田真由)三个奖项。Yukiko has been living in Tokyo for three years. Inside her heart, she believes that this beautiful city will certainly bring her happiness. This belief starts to realize one day when she has a chance encounter with Masashi while welcoming her brother, Kikuo, at a railway station. As Masashi is the son of a very rich businessman, and Yukiko is only an ordinary girl from the countryside, their together is highly obstructed by lots of barriers. However, Yukiko's kind-hearted personality finally wins Masashi's love, and he takes out his courage to turn down marrying his rich fiancee.