贫穷加上乌脚病让他们活的很无奈,他们不怪谁,只怪自己的命。大不了就是把手砍掉,把脚锯掉就不痛了。 邱水龙是典型的写照,在十几年前就因为乌脚病锯掉了一只脚,另一只脚又黑了一大块,锯掉也是迟早的事。 早年儿子出海被大海吞噬,媳妇(桃花仔)浪迹他乡,跳脱衣舞维生,留下天资较差的孙子(阿钟仔)两人相依为命。憨厚的阿钟仔到学校最快乐的事,就是把水沟和厕所打扫的乾乾净净,但是还是受到校长老师的鄙视冷落……It is set in the sixties, in a village on the west coast of Taiwan, where many are succumbing to 'black foot', a disease caused by drinking contaminated well water. The only 'cure' is to amputate the afflicted limb, and to avoid drinking the contaminated water. Many in the village were already sick, and few could afford to have tap-water installed. At the center of the story is Ah Chung, who lives with his grandfather, who has already lost one leg to 'black foot'. In the same village also live an opera family, who are finding things increasingly difficult there, an oyster farmer, who complains that his oysters are being poisoned by a nearby pharmaceutical plant, and an assortment of children who enjoy swimming in the sea, and who bully Ah Chung. A significant portion of the action also takes place in the village school, where Ah Chung is having trouble keeping up with the fees.