
原名:Piece   又名:恋爱拼图(港) / 回忆的碎片(台)

状态:13集全   更新:2024-03-03 06:03:09

正就读大学的须贺水帆(本田翼 饰),也许从未想过自己会以这样的方式被带回自己的高中时代。高二同班同学里,折口遥(水野绘梨奈 饰)是一个毫不起眼甚至被很多人讨厌的女孩,而她的突然病故则颇为吊诡地将本没什么交往的同窗们聚集在自己的灵前。水帆重逢成海皓(中山优马 饰),他们两人一个是外表冷艳让人似乎对谁都漠不关心的美人,一个是说话毒辣随意践踏他人虚荣心的坏男孩,却曾在高二的夏天有过那么短暂又暧昧不清的交往。彼此见面,记忆的碎片接连浮上水面。而看似固步自封的折口,也有着他人难以侦知的的秘密。随风飘落的青春与生命,碎作浮尘……   本片根据芦原妃名子的同名漫画改编。University student Mizuho Suga learns that her former high school classmate Haruka Origuchi died from an illness. At her funeral, Mizuho meets another former high school classmate, Hikaru Narumi. In their high school days, Hikaru Narumi was famous for being a playboy. Mizuho and Hikaru Narumi were also in a special relationship. Hikaru was outgoing, but Mizuho found it difficult to make new friends. They once kissed in the classroom and went on a one day summer trip together. They weren't friends or lovers and kept their relationship a secret. Meanwhile, Haruka Origuchi's mother tries to talk to Mizuho, believing Mizuho was her daughter's best friend. Haruka's mother asks about Haruka's boyfriend. Haruka became pregnant with her boyfriend in the past. However, this is only just the beginning.
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