一群美国男孩,或许生活在好莱坞附近吧,为了找到各自梦中情人(暂且只是外貌原则立场),准备假借一场假电影的拍摄,让女孩们自动送上门! 这些美国男孩中有富豪子弟、业余剧本编辑、职业小演员、职业小导演、以及市场策划员等! 紧锣密鼓策划中,假电影的真选秀终于开场,100个女孩轮番上场,boy们激情昂扬!当然,职业小导演也心满意足找到自己要的gay!Desperate to meet new girls, six libidinous down-on-their-luck guys come up with the ultimate plan to hook up - cast a fake movie. When tons of hot chicks show up for the audition (and a few guys), it's a matter of who's willing to go the farthest to get the part. Packed with enough crude humor and sexy girls for a dozen movies, "The Bloody Slumber Party" is a hilarious scam that's about to get real.