15五年前东太平洋的一场空难中,只有两个孩子幸存。他们被野人部落救到岛上,并与野人为伴一同成长。15年后他们孤注一掷,做竹筏回到了现实世界,那个他们模糊记忆中的天堂,却慢慢发现现实世界的肮脏与丑恶,发现他们离开的那座岛才是天堂,却无可望也不可及。两人进而一步步深陷现实世界黑暗的泥潭,被无止尽的腐化。帮派众人亦是盗亦有道,最暖不过回家路,人人却都有自己的苦楚而无家可回...Two kids survived from a plane crash fifteen years ago. They were rescued and raised up by a savage tribe on an island. Now they make it back to the real world, the paradise, until they realize it isn't. They start to differentiate, evolve, and encounter different fate. No one survive from the darkness at last.