
未知 日本  2015  日语 

原名:いしゃ先生   又名:

状态:HD   更新:2023-08-21 10:08:32

故事发生在昭和十年(1935年),出生于山形县出羽三山的主峰月山山脚下的志田周子(平山绫 饰)年方26岁。她凭借不懈的努力考取了东京女子医学专科学校,谁知一封紧急电报将她带回了阔别八年之久的老家。年幼的弟弟围着这位老姐撒娇,母亲(池田有希子 饰)则殷勤地准备饭菜。周子对眼前的一切大惑不解,原来这是父亲庄次郎(榎木孝明 饰)精心策划的一个骗局。庄次郎有感于山村医疗资源的短缺,急切希望能早日创立诊所。为了顺利通过审批,他以女儿的名义报审。庄次郎恳请女儿留在家中三年,在找到替代的医生后她就可以继续自己的人生。抱着种种不安,周子决心先把眼下的三年撑过去。谁知种种考验纷至沓来,将这个女孩留在了故土之上……Chikako Shida was born in 1910 in Ooisawa, Yamagata (now Nishikawa) as the eldest daughter of a prominent family. Her father Soujirou was the principal of a local elementary school and her mother died during a particularly difficult childbirth. At that time, Ooisawa had no doctors, and by the time they rushed her mother to a neighboring town it was too late to save her. Because of this incident, and recognizing that Chikako was a particularly clever child, Soujirou had early hopes that she'd grow up to become a doctor. Wanting to fulfill her father's wishes, Shida attended what is now Tokyo Women's Medical University. After graduating, she returned to Ooisawa where she devoted the rest of her life to rural health care.
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