本片讲述了网球传奇人物吉列尔莫·维拉斯的故事。40多年来,他坚持要求对当年的排名进行修订,让他成为公认的世界第一For more than forty years, Argentinean sportsman Guillermo Vilas, a tennis legend, has tirelessly demanded that the official rankings (1973-78) be revised in order to finally be recognized as the best player in the world. Eduardo Puppo, an Argentinian sports journalist, and Romanian mathematician Marian Ciulpan are making Vilas' demand theirs owns, fought for more than ten years against a powerful sports corporation to prove that Vilas was indeed No. 1 in the old ATP ranking system for seven weeks between 1975 and 1976, and unfairly displaced from the top of world tennis.