
原名:帰って来た女必殺拳   又名:Kaette kita onna hissatsu ken / Return of The Sister Street Fighter / Sister Streetfighter 3

状态:116播放   更新:2023-08-22 03:08:15

香港女化学家湘秀丽(川崎あかね 饰)遭到绑架,其身为警察的兄长德辉(千葉治郎 饰)经过调查得知,此举系盘踞在日本横滨的犯罪集团头目王龙明(山本麟一 饰)所谓。碍于警察身份,德辉拜托秀丽的童年好友李红龙(志穂美悦子 饰)出手相救。当两人会面时,一伙恶徒突然杀出,德辉被杀,红龙带着秀丽6岁的女儿梨花前往横滨。   得知红龙前来,王龙明召集手下格斗高手,选出四个精英前去截杀,却一一落败。红龙偷偷潜入王之府邸,得知秀丽被绑架的原因。肩负着梨花的信任,她一次次冲入罪恶魔窟……When the crime boss has to pick one of his thugs for a fight he takes his knife, throws it to the roof and kills a butterfly with it, then the knife falls to one guy's shoulder and that's the man he's chosen for the job. That's some serious inventiveness. And who's the guys he's gonna fight? That's Yasuaki Kurata of course.
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