巴比伯克是鎮上的高中橄欖球隊騎士隊中最有前途的四分衛,但在教練文斯德安東尼歐來到前,他的學校從未參加過任何一場淘汰賽。這個粗暴的新教練招募有天份但不穩定的接球員,並給一個叛逆的不良少年第二次機會。 當巴比愛上了啦啦隊長蕾妮多諾,一場意義上已超越冠軍賽的戰役也同時展開,巴比將與維京隊的金童約翰漢弗三世正面交鋒。 同時,巴比的父親被前雇主-同時也是鎮上大老的約翰漢弗二世指控侵權,巴比的家庭面臨殘忍無情的打擊...直到漢弗集團搬移到墨西哥的謠言浮出檯面。如今有上百個製造業的工作受到威脅,他們的榮譽也等待著捍衛,騎士隊代表了整個社區,全力以赴與維京隊的""冠軍賽遊戲"",而其中的意義,早已遠超過最後的勝敗...Set in rural Ohio, the birthplace of football, a small-town high school football team rises from obscurity to play their cross-town rival, a perennial powerhouse, while standing up for an entire community. Bobby Burkett is the promising quarterback for the Knights, but his Division Four school has never made a playoff appearance until Coach Vince DeAntonio's arrival. Their gruff new coach recruits a talented but insecure receiver and gives a juvenile delinquent offensive lineman a second chance. When Bobby falls for rival cheerleader Renee Donohue, a battle for more than a championship begins with the Viking's "golden boy" quarterback John Hanford III. Meanwhile, Bobby's father is being sued by his former employer and town patriarch John Hanford II over the intellectual rights to a revolutionary new energy saving product. With their home at stake, things look grim for the Burketts (until rumors of Hanford Corp's move to Mexico surface). Now with hundreds of manufacturing jobs at stake...