
原名:Granny’s Got a Gun   又名:奶奶有把枪

状态:7播放   更新:2024-10-04 06:10:24

奶奶感觉自己只剩下不到半天的生命,想到自己从未看过海,就对孙女说想和她一起去看海。两人拿着一把猎枪,抢了一辆跑车就出发了。她们抢劫商店、欺骗警察、与当地黑手党周旋,最终奶奶抵达海边,看到了美丽的日落,但是警车已将她们团团包围……艾达·杜米特鲁曾因参加2023年罗马尼亚真人秀《幸存者》而闻名。本片由她与另一位罗马尼亚女导演安娜·伊内尼联合执导,艾达亲自编剧,并和她的奶奶共同真人出演。Granny B. wakes up feeling that today is her last day on Earth. She decides she will do something she's never done before: she wants to see the Ocean for the first time in her life. But the journey is never easy, and together with her granddaughter Ada and their chicken, they embark on an adventure filled with charitable armed robbery, accidental organ trafficking, circumstantial grand theft auto, and befriending a local mafia gang. An off-the-rails tale about living life to the fullest while being chased by the police, interpreted by the writer and her real-life grandmother in her acting debut, \"Granny's Got a Gun\" might just bring a smile to your face and a tear to your eye.
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