两名科学家马克思(Jerzy Stuhr 饰)和阿尔伯特(Olgierd Lukaszewicz 饰)志愿参加一个科学试验,他们将被放入密闭的容器中,以半死的状态度过三年时光。然而实验才刚开始,第三次世界大战爆发,地球上的国家均被卷入战争。这两个倒霉的科学家一睡就是五十年,醒来后赫然发现自己身处一个奇异的地下社会:在这里,女性是绝对的领导者,而且他们俩很可能就是现存的仅有的男性。   对于喜欢拈花惹草的马克思来说,这里无疑就是天堂;而古板木讷的阿尔伯特则百思不得其解,他要想办法摆脱女人帝国的控制,逃脱出去……Two scientists are chosen as guinea pigs for a time experiment: they are placed in hibernation and should be brought back to life after three years. In the meantime, however, the World War III breaks out and life have been wiped out of the surface of the Earth. When they wake up, it turns out that not only 50 years have passed but also that they are the only living specimens of the male sex in a new, underground society composed exclusively of women. Max used to be woman-chaser so he finds himself in heaven. Albert, on the other hand, forgot all about love and sex as a serious scientist, but is willing to learn. So are the Amazons, who after a kiss turn into pliant kittens. The Council of Women is going to decide their fate, so they are trying to win more time.
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