卡利特夫婦經營一家性機能障礙診療所,他倆性慾極大,走火入魔幹色情勾當,對病人下藥又乘機性騷擾,凱的妹妹受到不實宣傳到那治病,卡先生將她強暴,她於是羞憤自殺,為了替妹復仇,凱偽裝成護士....A therapy clinic is using drugs and sex therapy to aid people with dysfunctions, but the doctor and his wife are using the setup to take advantage of some of the patients. An insurance fraud investigator is trying to find a hidden tape left by his murdered partner. A nurse is investigating the death of her sister by getting a job at the clinic. They join forces to get the evidence against the depraved clinic owners.