
原名:砂の塔~知りすぎた隣人   又名:砂之塔:知之甚多的邻居 / 砂之塔:无孔不入的邻居 / 砂之塔:隔墙有耳

状态:完结   更新:2024-05-28 12:05:50

终于,平凡的家庭主妇高野亚纪(菅野美穗 饰)和家人们一起搬进了梦寐以求的高级公寓,哪知道刚刚入住没多久,住在低楼层的他们就已经被人贴上了处于金字塔底层的标签,她每天所要面对的,是居住在拥有更高房价的高楼层太太们,为了不让孩子在学校中被同学孤立,亚纪只得忍气吞声,强颜欢笑,被迫遵行着公寓里独有的各种苛刻的规章制度,更得忍受高楼层太太们颐指气使的使唤和调教。   佐佐木弓子(松岛菜菜子 饰)是住在亚纪楼上的邻居,这位太太不仅外表优雅端庄,更在家中开设了高雅的插花教室,因此颇得大家的喜爱。亚纪对温婉随和的弓子产生了好感和信赖,可一场意外的发生让亚纪渐渐发现,弓子微笑的面具后面,隐藏了一个不为人知的可怕秘密。Takano Aki is a happy, ordinary housewife whose family (sweet husband and two kids) has moved to their dream apartment. Just as they are starting their new life, they encounter an ominous, terrifying neighbour, Sasaki Yumiko, who manipulates the dark emotions of pride, vanity and jealousy of the housewives living in the apartment building. She drives Aki into isolation within the building with unexpected methods and eventually causes the break up of her family. Meanwhile, a series of abduction cases take place. There seems to be a connection to the kidnapper and the frightening neighbor.
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