李奕冲(梁朝伟 饰)是一名报馆编辑,为出版发行“小柳全集”四处搜集小柳(吴倩莲 饰)的资料。为了保证“小柳全集”的内容,李奕冲甚至找到了小柳生前的故居,准备入住。这是幢位于荒山中的大屋,自从小柳在这里去世后就再也无人入住。但阿冲的好友Julia(吴君如 饰)却发现更为诡异的事,这幢无人入住的旧屋在这几年一直有一个名为“云氏基金”的机构为其缴纳水电的房屋费用。阿冲愈发好奇,决心搬进去,女友Elaine(吴倩莲 饰)不放心,也要求一同进驻这幢旧屋。二人入住旧屋后不久,就发现了一连串让人毛骨悚然的事情:有些房门无论如何打不开;Julia 的小女儿Mimi听到婴儿的哭声;在夜晚Elaine还听到从锁住的房间里传来白光《等着你回来》的歌声……这间旧屋子究竟藏着怎样不为人知的秘密?Chung has a book project that will make his career in publishing: a collector's edition of the work of Siu Lau, a reclusive woman who died mysteriously in 1949. An anonymous benefactor has maintained her house since her death; it's rumored to be haunted. Chung moves into the house with his girlfriend Elaine. While he works long hours at his office, she experiences strange events in the house. She's not sure Chung loves her, and neither is their long-time friend Julia. When Chung asks Elaine to pose for photographs dressed like Siu Lau, Elaine wonders if he isn't in love with a ghost. Plus, are the mysteries of the house about to possess her?