
原名:Ascension   又名:

状态:HD   更新:2024-01-23 05:01:20

自从母亲仰望星空发疯自杀的那次意外之后,安吉菈的行为与精神状态就时常出现问题,像颗不定时炸弹随时可能爆炸。父亲为了女儿们的安全著想,让姊姊贝卡及年幼的妹妹克洛伊,也都陪她一起休学在家休养。只是近日安吉菈发现,姊姊贝卡开始出现种种不寻常的行为,如同母亲自杀前正呢喃著星星这般怪异。安吉菈有办法挽救家人免于悲剧再次发生吗?还是这一切只是她又开始妄想了?Still mourning the death of her mother, 16-year-old Angela, who's had some behavioral and mental instability issues, strives to maintain harmony in the house. She takes care of her 6-year-old sister Chloe and tries to keep the peace with her difficult, goth 17-year-old sister Becca, who is furious that their father Jason pulled them out of school and hired grad student Gabby to homeschool them. When Becca starts exhibiting bizarre behavior, only Angela seems to notice that she is possessed by a dark and otherworldly force with plans to do something unspeakable to Chloe.
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