住在北海道的主人公・外村直樹(山崎賢人)和高中钢琴的调音师・板鳥宗一郎(三浦友和)相遇开始。在板鳥调音后的钢琴音色中外村仿佛感受到了森林的气息,为这个工作以及调音师的世界所吸引而开始在板鳥所在的乐器店工作。 因钢琴而联系到一起的人们中,他还遇到了高中生钢琴姐妹和音和由仁 ……。经历了烦恼,迷茫,挫折后成长的青年钢琴调音师的故事。When high school student Tomura Naoki met piano tuner Itadori Soichiro at his school in Hokkaido, he could smell the forest from the piano tuned by Soichiro. Touched, the boy decides to work together with Soichiro at his musical instruments store. Naoki develops relationships with many people related to the piano and he meets sister pianists and high school students Kazune and Yuni.