
原名:Nacht über Berlin   又名:

状态:84播放   更新:2023-08-22 06:08:57

1932年的柏林,魏玛共和国在右翼和左翼极端分子之间的斗争中四分五裂,而柏林就像一个火药桶,随时会发生爆炸。夜总会歌手亨尼认识了社会民主党国会议员犹太籍医生阿尔伯特,两人热恋并结婚。阿尔伯特是第一次世界大战中的和平主义者。但与他信仰相反的是,他同意为弟弟埃德温则是一个激进的左翼分子,他们的目标就是推翻希特勒当权的纳粹政府Berlin, 1932. The Weimar Republic is torn apart in the struggle between right- and left-wing extremists and Berlin is a powder keg. Nightclub singer Henny Dalgow get to know the Social Democratic congressman and Jewish doctor Albert Goldman, and the two become a slightly odd couple. Albert is a sworn pacifist after his experiences in the First World War. Contrary to his beliefs he agrees to act as courier for his brother Edwin, who belongs to a radical communist cell.
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