警察科谢列夫负责某偏僻地区的治安。刚刚到任,便遇到一个大案。银行的一笔巨款被盗。根据作案记录,疑是绰号叫“黑死病”的惯犯所为。科谢列夫深入林区向居民了解情况时,又发生了养马场管理员被害案件,科谢列夫断定凶手就是“黑死病”。同时进一步摸清看林人乌拉诺夫是凶手同伙。但乌拉诺夫生性懦弱,被杀灭口。最后科谢列夫孤身一人巧设妙计,终于擒拿了罪犯。When the aging Meyer Lansky is investigated one last time by the Feds who suspect he has stashed away millions of dollars over half a century, the retired gangster spins a dizzying tale, revealing the untold truth about his life as the notorious boss of Murder Inc. and the National Crime Syndicate.