
原名:Goya en Burdeos   又名:一代名画家戈雅在波尔多 / 波尔多的欲望天堂 / Goya in Bordeaux

状态:HD   更新:2023-08-26 08:08:18

年轻时期的戈雅(弗朗西斯科·拉瓦尔 Francisco Rabal 饰)是一个野心勃勃的男人,通过为查理四世画像而成为了名噪一时的宫廷画师。年轻而又身居高位的戈雅不免有些狂妄,整日沉迷于声色犬马之中,谁知道,上帝在暗中给戈雅开了一个小小的玩笑,某一天,他的双耳忽然失聪,从此生活在寂静无声的世界里。   祸不单行,戈雅还和阿尔瓦公爵夫人(玛丽贝尔· 瓦度 Maribel Verdú 饰)共谱了一段美丽但注定不会有结果的恋情,最终,阿尔瓦公爵夫人成为了政治斗争的牺牲品。陷入抑郁之中的戈雅画风大变,他亦将目光从王公贵族的身上移向了正在遭受战争折磨的贫苦人。Francisco Goya (1746-1828), deaf and ill, lives the last years of his life in voluntary exile in Bordeaux, a Liberal protesting the oppressive rule of Ferdinand VII. He's living with his much younger wife Leocadia and their daughter Rosario. He continues to paint at night, and in flashbacks stirred by conversations with his daughter, by awful headaches, and by the befuddlement of age, he relives key times in his life, particularly his relationship with the Duchess of Alba, his discovery of how he wanted to paint (insight provided by Velázquez's work), and his lifelong celebration of the imagination. Throughout, his reveries become tableaux of his paintings.
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