葛饰区龟有公园前派出所的巡查长两津堪吉(香取慎吾 饰)是一个颇令人头疼的警察,每到发薪日他便被商店街的店家追索欠账,穷困潦倒之际又想出各种小伎俩骗钱花,令他的上司大原部长(伊武雅刀 饰)甚为气恼。这一日,他重逢了童年时代的好友泽村桃子(深田恭子 饰),此时的桃子是一家剧团的老板,同时还独自抚养上小学的女儿小唯。热情开朗的阿两很快赢得全剧团的欢迎,他也一厢情愿希望和桃子再续前缘。就在这时,警察局长官的孙女遭人绑架,全葛饰区进入紧急状态。不久阿两他们发现,这起绑架案竟是一场误会,而绑架者与桃子有着千丝万缕的关系…… 本片根据秋本治的人气喜剧漫画《こちら葛飾区亀有公園前派出所》(中文译名《乌龙派出所》)改编。Police Officer Kankichi Ryotsu is back at the Kameri Park Polic Box. He usually means to do well, but more often than not he ends up causing all kinds of trouble.One day, Kankichi runs into Momoko, a women who went to the same elementary school as Kankichi and who Kankichi had a crush on. Kankichi learns that Momoko is a single mother and works with a travelling dance group. During this time, Kankichi dreams of one day marrying Momoko and retiring from the police force. Kankichi skips out on his job to help with Momoko's dance group performance.