在伊朗大選前夕,一對夫婦的移居計劃眼看將毀了他們的婚姻。2012年伊朗Fajr國際電影節最佳影片提名,由伊朗的布萊德彼特,獲獎連連的巴哈朗拉丹主演In their tenth anniversary, Amir and Shirin intend to emigrate from Iran. In the heat of the presidential election, they face immigration problems. There is just one solution left: Shirin accepts the help of their old university professor, Kamran Sabouhi, and goes to him to make the visa arrangements in Dubai. Despite his initial disapproval due to Sabouhi's affection to Shirin, Amir agrees to the plan eventually and Shirin leaves just one month away from the election. In the post election events, everything gets more complicated: Amir's sister, Aida, is arrested and his old love, Nazli, comes back to him after ten years...