
原名:Fontane Effi Briest   又名:血泪的控诉

状态:209播放   更新:2023-08-26 09:08:50

艾菲(汉娜·许古拉 Hanna Schygulla 饰)是一个年轻的充满了活力的姑娘,却在父母的安排之下嫁给了年长自己20岁的拜伦伯爵(沃尔夫冈·申克 Wolfgang Schenck 饰)。拜伦是一个野心勃勃的男人,眼睛里唯一能够看到的就是功名利禄,因此一心扑在事业和交际圈中,对待艾菲非常的冷淡。   一次偶然中,艾菲结识了拜伦的好友克莱姆帕斯上校(尤利·隆美尔 Ulli Lommel 饰),两人很快就坠入了情网之中。这段地下恋情维持了没多久,拜伦就带着艾菲搬家了。就在艾菲一位这段感情会被时间尘封时,拜伦却发现了两人留下来的情书,一怒之下,拜伦杀死了克莱姆帕斯,然而同艾菲离婚了。In the nineteenth century, seventeen year old Effi Briest is married to the older Baron von Instetten and moves into a house, that she believes has a ghost, in a small isolated Baltic town. She soon bears a daughter, Annie, and hires the lapsed Catholic Roswitha to look after her. Effi is lonely when her husband is away on business, so she spends time riding and walking along the shore with Major Crampas. Instetten is promoted to Ministerial Councillor and the family moves to Berlin, where Effi enjoys the social life. Six years later, the Baron is given letters from Crampas to Effi that convince him that they had an affair. He feels obliged to challenge Crampas to a duel and banish Effi from the house.
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