为了举办个展来日的世界级青年现代艺术家NERO,抵达后暗中前去探访了传说中装饰着自己画作的赝品的旅馆,并在那里遇到了与自己长得犹如双胞胎的韩国留学生DAEWON。震惊之余,NERO出于“某个目的”,向DAEWON提出了与自己交换身份的请求。在与旅馆继承人的薰(暂译)接触的过程中开始直面过去的NERO,假扮着时代弄潮儿的同时也在摸索着自我方向的DAEWON,拥有着相同外貌,却有着不同性格不同身份立场的两个人……在他们交换身份的这期间,他们所找到的“真正的自我”到底是?An acclaimed painter travels to Japan for an exhibition where he takes advantage of his free time to enjoy a Japanese bath or onsen. However, there is more to it than that. He is told that the owner of the bath has a false work of his. He meets a look-alike at the bath and the situation lends itself to what comes next.