在外人眼里,戴安娜(梅丽莎·麦卡西 Melissa McCarthy 饰)是一个挥金如土的富婆,无论是多么贵重的奢侈品,戴安娜都能连眼睛都不眨一下的刷卡将它收入囊中。对于自己的挥霍,戴安娜并不感动心疼,因为她刷卡后产生的账单,都将被寄到一个名为桑迪(杰森·贝特曼 Jason Bateman 饰)的男人那里。原来,戴安娜是一个信用卡大盗,她所使用的钱,全都是桑迪辛辛苦苦赚来的积蓄。 当警察找到桑迪时,他才发现自己的信用卡被盗刷了,愤怒的桑迪决定亲自前往戴安娜所在的迈阿密,发誓要将这个懒惰的蛀虫捉拿归案。而当桑迪顺利的找到了戴安娜并准备将她带回丹佛时,这个可怜男人的好运用光了,这件看似简单的事情渐渐的脱离的桑迪的控制。Sandy Patterson (Jason Bateman) gets a nice call confirming his name and other identifying information. The next thing he knows, a spa in Florida is reminding him of his appointment and his credit cards are maxed out. With his identity stolen, Sandy leaves his wife, kids and job to literally bring the thief to justice in Colorado. Keeping tabs on the other Sandy (Melissa McCarthy) and run-ins with bounty hunters is harder than he was expecting, and ultimately the cross-country trip is going to find both Sandys learning life tips from one another.