鲍伯是一个赌徒,年纪不小,运气却不好。本片描写他的好友—一个高级警官,跟朋友计划抢劫一家赌场的故事,发生在夜晚的巴黎蒙马特区的暗处。原以为计划天衣无缝的鲍伯走进赌场开始赌博,却不知道那些警察早已经伺机等在一旁了。Bob, an old gangster and gambler is almost broke, so he decides in spite of the warnings of a friend, a high official from the police, to rob a gambling casino in Dauville. Everything is planned exactly, but the police is informed about the planned coup. Meanwhile in the Casino Bob starts to gamble.