一架从西班牙飞往墨西哥的半岛航空公司2549号航班,一场突如其来的机件故障,一段云端上的生死旅程。因为电力突然中断,机舱内陷入一片恐慌。飞机被困在拉曼恰自治区上空久久盘旋不能迫降,全飞机人员正面临着机毁人亡的生死难关。飞行员临危不乱,马上和地面控制中心紧急联系,希望找到解决的办法。没成想,命悬一线的时刻,却引发了一连串有关性与死亡的无厘头爆笑喜剧。机务长和飞机上的乘务人员都是一些性格迥异又脑洞大开的家伙,面对危机,他们用尽各种奇葩怪诞的方法,来给机舱内的乘客提供娱乐,试图让乘客忘记生命此刻面临的危险。这些让人意想不到,超乎伦理的夸张手段,在一万米的高空上,更显疯狂。A technical failure has endangered the lives of the people on board Peninsula Flight 2549. The pilots are striving, along with their colleagues in the Control Center, to find a solution. The flight attendants and the chief steward are atypical, baroque characters who, in the face of danger, try to forget their own personal problems and devote themselves body and soul to the task of making the flight as enjoyable as possible for the passengers, while they wait for a solution. Life in the clouds is as complicated as it is at ground level, and for the same reasons, which could be summarized in two: sex and death.