拥有漂亮脸蛋和天生触感的独孤马特,和母亲两个人在贫困中相依为命30年。事实上,独孤马特是MG集团缔造者的庶子,非常讨厌对自己和妈妈不闻不问的爸爸。有天收到拜同父异母的大嫂、MG集团会长的前妻洪宥拉为师,诱惑大韩民国最上层1%的十名女性的任务,通过认识这些女人们,从而打入上流社会并争夺MG公司的继承权的浪漫爱情喜剧。女主人公金普通是一位朴素而又有点脱线的乡村姑娘,单恋男主角十年,为其默默付出,从贫穷期就不离不弃直到他成功。有着“漂亮心灵”。喜欢金普通的MG下属公司的代理崔大卫,在剧中和独孤马特是对立的关系。Dok Go Ma Te is a macho with an impeccable appearance who has shaken up ten of the top 1% it-girls in South Korea. He is about to share some tips on 'how to get a girl'. Among his women, there is an ordinary girl who falls in love with Ma Te and her name is Kim Bo Tong. The story becomes more interesting when Bo Tong starts to do things to win his heart and the unpredictable romance finally starts.