一名年老的牧羊人与妻子居于伊塞克湖附近的峡谷,他们的儿子在很久以前意外身亡,但儿媳妇沙伊尔仍与他们同居,在山中快乐地生活。但是,传统文化受到现代化趋势的威胁:他们放牧马匹的草甸上也突然出现机器,与此同时,迁居到当地附近的气象学家埃尔梅克爱上了沙伊尔,两人的感情迫使她在个人幸福和维护传统生活之间二择其一。A family of nomads live in the high, remote mountains of Kyrgyzstan in Central Asia; elderly herdsman Tabyldy, his wife Karachach, their daughter-in-law Shaiyr and their 7 year old granddaughter Umsunai. Shaiyr's son studies in the city and visits them only during the summer holidays. Her husband died many years ago when he was drowned in a mountain river, trying to save a foal. Shaiyr decided to stay with the family due to her strong attachment to the wonderful land and its people. The family breed horses and life goes on as normal amidst the beautiful scenery of the mountain gorge. But another resident of the area appears in Shaiyr's life, meteorologist Ermek, whose weather station is located near to the family's home...