几名犯事的无业青年被法院判处社区服务,他们在管理者哈里(John Henshaw 饰)的监督下展开工作。他们中间,名叫罗比(Paul Brannigan 饰)的青年刚刚知晓女友里奥妮(Siobhan Reilly 饰)生产的消息,可是却被女友的哥哥们揍了一顿。之后沮丧的他更被曾被他暴力伤害的伤者及家属痛斥了一番。望着儿子那天使般的面庞,一向暴戾冷酷的罗比眼神中流露出无限的悔意,重新做人的念头在他心间悄悄生起。在此之后,哈里带领罗比他们参观了一家威士忌酒厂,罗比再次表现出求知的欲望,而他那此前从未被发现的敏锐嗅觉成为重生的绝佳利器。为了过上幸福的生活,罗比和社区服务的伙伴们展开行动…… 本片荣获2012年戛纳电影节评委会大奖、2012年圣塞巴斯蒂安国际电影节观众奖最佳欧洲影片奖。This bitter sweet comedy follows protagonist Robbie as he sneaks into the maternity hospital to visit his young girlfriend Leonie and hold his newborn son Luke for the first time. Overwhelmed by the moment, he swears that Luke will not have the same tragic life he has had. Escaping a prison sentence by the skin of his teeth, he's given one last chance......While serving a community service order, he meets Rhino, Albert and Mo who, like him, find it impossible to find work because of their criminal records. Little did Robbie imagine how turning to drink might change their lives - not cheap fortified wine, but the best malt whiskies in the world. Will it be 'slopping out' for the next twenty years, or a new future with 'Uisge Beatha' the 'Water of Life?' Only the angels know........