阳光明媚的海滨,外资控股的佛拉蒙德(Vollmond)大酒店金碧辉煌,人头攒动。美丽女孩天野塔子(西内玛利亚 饰)现年23岁,此前她已在酒店酒水部工作三年,今年她踌躇满志调任到礼宾部,和前辈本城和马(三浦翔平 饰)一同迎接世界各地的游客们的到来。礼宾部坐镇酒店最前沿,这里每天会收到100~200条游客的请求,礼宾人员必须沉着应对,无条件接受游客提出的要求,并在2分钟之内提出解决方案。因此这里不仅堪称团队的脸面,更可谓协调酒店正常运行的重要枢纽。游客来自四面八方,他们有着不同的身份、性格和阶层,所提出的问题也五花八门。 在这个充满挑战的岗位上,塔子鼓足干劲,全力奔走!At the five star Forumonto Hotel, Toko Amano works as a rookie concierge. Her senior concierge is Kazuma Honjo and the general manager is Ryusuke Washio. They are friendly and restrained with the customers at the Forumonto Hotel. Whenever problems occur, the various departments at the hotel work together to place a smile on the customer's face.